Friday, 29 January 2010

Book Lovers

Some of you may have noticed the bulletin board near the SRR stairs has some book reviews on it. A few of the girls from Lit class wrote them and I typed them up to make posters. I'd love for the other book lovers out there to make similar posters for display in February.

It's really easy and fun. Here is what you do:
  • Write your name and class
  • Write the title of your favourite book and the author's name
  • Write a quotation to go in the speech bubble by your picture. It would be great if you were saying something about how much you love reading.
  • Next, write a paragraph about the favourite book. Why did you like it so much?
  • Drop it off at my office or send it to me by e-mail.
It is amazing. Every time I walk by I notice people reading the reviews and girls have started requesting the books that were mentioned on the noticeboard. Isn't that great? You should promote the book/author you love too!

BTW, this was our principal's idea and she is really happy with what we have so far. She really is an amazing supporter of our reading program and SRR! We are so lucky to have her on our side.

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