Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The Dark Knight Returns

Our incredible book angel Peta in the UK has sent three new books for us to enjoy. Her generosity really is astounding! Thank you Peta.

The first book she sent us is one of the most famous graphic novels in the world. If you like graphic novels, this is a MUST for your collection.

I've wanted to get this one for years. It's not that I'm a big graphic novel / comic fan or anything, but the reputation that this one has can not be ignored.

The book is called "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" and it is a collector's book for sure. If you have a dark side, I think you'll enjoy this.

In order to make sure it is well cared for and so that many students can have a look at it, I think we will need to display it as a reference book (red dot - can't borrow). Look for it in the reading room next week! Enjoy, and once again, thanks to Peta for donating this amazing new book to our collection! I can't wait to read it myself.

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